Sex in the Midwest: An Introduction

We all crave for it, and we all have it….sex. If not sex itself, then rather, we crave some kind of human connection or experience, am I correct? I think as a culture, we have become more open than ever, when it comes to sex. Talking about it, doing it, (hopefully) enjoying it. So why do we still have stigmas when it comes to it? Especially in the Midwest? 

Welcome to 2024. A time where dating apps and hookup culture is the norm. When Carrie Bradshaw was writing for her column “Sex and City” in the late 90s and early 2000s, we were far behind from the technology that we have now. Now, we can swipe, match, text, sext, meet any person that we desire, right at our fingertips. All in swipes. Straight from bed.

One might think, “What on Earth inspired her to start writing about sex? Especially, living in the Midwest?” Well, believe it or not, upon hearing hours upon hours, which then led to years of memorable moments from all of my collective and wonderful girl friends, I thought what better way than to laugh about these failures? Together? 

Sex in the Midwest, is a compilation of stories. Some will be embellished, while other details will be mildly changed, in order to protect the identities and privacy of people that are going to be mentioned. Even my dearest friends, who will be making appearances here and there, will have their names be changed, to protect the integrity of their characters. 

Sex in the Midwest, is a place to have a light hearted laugh, knowing that we all have been there. We had awkward, embarrassing moments, all in the name of wanting a good orgasm, or maybe in the hopes of finding the “one”. 

What Sex in the Midwest is intended to be, is a little lighthearted humor, of our own human fumbles in the real world. Where the Midwest is known for many things, such as being coined “Midwestern Nice”. Midwesterners are known for having to make small talk with neighbors or people you see in the grocery store (because that is the polite thing to do) while also having to put our brave faces on every holiday season, when your extended family is asking you when you are finally going to meet someone. We are constantly suffocated by our own stereotypes that exist in the Midwest. That we have to be proper, put together and polite. Where Sex in the Midwest, will start to challenge those norms. 

Welcome to my humorous shit show. I hope you get a good laugh every so often. We shall see where this will go. 

-Christina Snitko


Mr. I found my Co-Worker on Bumble