Our Eternal Return
The memories start coming back
Like little flashes of light
A small glimpse here
A tender moment there
But when one flash happens
It all comes back
Like a kaleidoscope
The memories
Are all intertwined
Meshed together
In no particular order
Physically speaking
I remember one moment
And then a million more
But then remember
Our time was cut short
We couldn’t have had a million
But maybe we did?
In conjunction
With our other lives?
Am I just carrying
The grief and the heartbreak
Of all of the lives
That we have had together?
Does it always end
Tragically this way?
Is this our karma?
Our eternal loop
Of recurrence?
Am I lost within the labyrinth?
Or have I fallen into a blackhole?
Is this what insanity feels like?
Sad and confused
Hopeless and heartbroken
Wanting to rewrite the story
But knowing that
There could have never been
Another story.
~Christina Snitko